DoE Update 202203a

New Features & Improvements


  • Network: When a player leaves, all of its units will become invincible
  • Network: DoE now supports 6 players
  • AI: If a resource collecting unit is far from the center and any delivery place it should not start fetching unless it’s instructed to do so (e.g. by right-clicking on the resources)
  • AI: If it’s instructed to attack, move, repair, guard it should always prioritize this kind of task before fallback to collecting. Today if we attack using one or many lumberjack(s), they will hit one time, and then fall back to resource collecting, before finishing the battle, this is not optimal.
  • AI: The same with enemy buildings, if the unit is instructed to attack a building it should do so until it’s destroyed. Then gain, if it’s far from home, it should just enter idle mode.
  • AI: Resource collectors should start attacking if they’re attacked. If they can’t defend themself, they should try to escape, back to base or other safety.
  • AI: Resource collectors will have one button. Its for toggling between their collecting state and attack state.
  • AI: For resource collectors, in their attack state, they should be searching for enemies. If no enemies can be found, they stand still and are idle.


  • AI: Small Navmesh agent added for units (Dwarfs)
  • AI: Medium Navmesh agent added for units (Humans)
  • AI: Large Navmesh agent added for units (Trolls, Catapult)
  • AI: Massive/XL (Units like Dragons)
  • AI: Enormous/XXL Navmesh agent added (Skyscrapers etc.)

Bug Fixes & Tweaks


  • Network: Unit Combat Optimization (Better combat)
  • AI: On some occasions resource gatherers did forgot their current assignment when the recourse was removed.
  • AI: For soldiers, in their idle state, they should stand still. If an enemy attacks them, they will enter defensive state.
  • AI: Soliders should idle, unless the player asks them to move, and if attacked, thenthey will attack back.
  • Level Design: New 4×4 Map
  • Level Design: Placing trees, environment
  • FX: Effect for the weather
  • FX: Effect for snow particles


  • Documentation of Network (Note: Internal)
  • Level Design: Created walkable hills (with ramps), mountains, and rivers that are not walkable
  • Level Design: Even amount of base resources at starting areas
  • UX: Create buttons for agressive state and idle state
  • Other: Building Placer script is refactored and it’s performance improved with 95%